Jamestown Mall update

Stenger Asks Port Authority to Acquire

 Remaining  3 Jamestown Mall Properties

With the future of the abandoned Jamestown Mall hung up in the St. Louis County Council, County Executive Steve Stenger has asked the St. Louis County Port Authority to use its powers under state law to acquire the remaining properties and have the site cleared. He has sent a letter to County Port Authority outlining his proposal


“Area residents have suffered with this dangerous and ugly site long enough,” County Executive Stenger said. “We would have preferred to do this through the Council, but it is critical to keep this project moving. Using the Port Authority’s powers is the best way to proceed in a timely manner.”

The Port Authority currently owns three of the 13 parcels of land making up the former mall site and has a letter of agreement covering three more parcels. The Authority could now take steps necessary to acquire the remaining parcels, noted Stenger. State law authorizes the Port Authority to conduct such negotiations and purchases.

“The clearance of the site is not only my priority,” Stenger said. “It is of primary importance to the entire North County community.”

In his letter to Port Authority Executive Director Sheila Sweeney, the County Executive said any request for proposals must include minority contractor participation.

As the process moves forward, the County Council will have extensive input and will be involved in approving zoning and various other Port Authority recommendations. Stenger urged the Port Authority to act as quickly as possible.

“This site is an eyesore and safety risk in the community,” Stenger wrote. “It has sat dormant for far too long.”

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