Hazelwood Names 2 Elementary, 1 Middle School Principals

The Hazelwood Board of Education recently appointed three administrators to key positions in the District for the 2009-2010 school year, effective July 1.

The district has hired Kamina Hunter to serve as the principal of Grannemann Elementary School. David Wood, who has served as interim principal, will retire at the end of this school year. Lynnette Jackson, who has served as the interim principal this school year at Arrowpoint Elementary School, has been named principal of Arrowpoint Elementary. In addition, Willicia Hobbs, who has served as the interim principal at Hazelwood Northwest Middle School for the 2008-2009 school year, has been named principal of Hazelwood Northwest Middle School. Hunter has more than 12 years educational experience and comes to Hazelwood from Springfield, Ill. She has served as a teacher, assistant principal and elementary school principal. Most recently, she has served as the director of an alternative program. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, elementary education certification and a master’s degree in educational leadership from the University of Illinois at Springfield.

Jackson previously served as the site coordinator at the Hazelwood East Early Childhood Education Center. Jackson began her career in Hazelwood in 1992. She has served the District in a variety of roles, including early childhood special education teacher, Title I teacher, and lead teacher, before becoming site coordinator in 2004. She has a master’s degree in education from Lindenwood University and a bachelor’s degree from Southwest Missouri State University.

Hobbs served as an assistant principal at Hazelwood Northwest Middle for one year before being named interim principal. She was previously a teacher and administrator for 14 years in the Parkway School District. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Bradley University and master’s degrees from National-Louis University and the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

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