Jennings School District Celebrates Learning: Preparing for State Testing

Jennings School District is treating the state test as a celebration of learning and events have been occurring throughout the month in preparation for state testing, which will begin in four instructional days. A countdown clock has been posted on the school district webpage and schools have developed fun ways to prepare for state testing and to encourage their peers to do well.

Jennings Junior High choir students performed a motivational song and dance encouraging students to do their best and posted it on YouTube.

Additional test preparation activities include:

Schools have incorporated tutors and voluntary attendance to Saturday school to review concepts to support their success in class and to review testing strategies to relieve anxiety from test taking.

NFL Offensive Tackle RAMS Player Rodger Saffold visited Northview Elementary for a pep rally April 23. Rodger Saffold has been a St. Louis Rams player since 2010 and he plays the starting left tackle position. The Northview principal, Ms. Bonita Jamison, is one of the Jennings principals who are busy planning various activities to keep students excited about the upcoming state test. Ms. Jamison reached out to the NLF player and was excited to learn that he planned to come to give students a motivational speech about the importance of school to kick off MAP testing.

Carr Lane Drum Line is visiting Fairview for their MAP test parade.

Jennings Junior High will host a sock hop to remind students to “sock it” to the MAP.

Woodland, Hanrahan, Fairview, Jennings Junior High and Northview are hosting school spirit days this week to remind students to keep their positive spirits up as they prepare for state testing.

Jennings Senior High holds will hold an academic pep rally to get students and staff excited about state testing.

Supt. Tiffany Anderson shared, “Students and staff have worked hard all year to demonstrate mastery in various subjects and students are excited to demonstrate mastery on the upcoming state test. It is viewed as a celebration of learning.”

Although students are assessed all year in Jennings and instruction is aligned to the standards that students need to learn. Educators in Jennings believe that incorporating fun in learning in all areas–including in preparing for the state assessments–helps students view assessments as an opportunity to identify areas they have mastered and it helps the district identify opportunities for growth. “Using music, art and fun activities helps relieve anxiety from the testing process,” said Dr. Anderson.





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