5 Hazelwood School District Teachers receive Apple Awards

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.’s Alpha Zeta chapter named five educators from the Hazelwood School District to receive Apple for the Teacher awards for their dedicated service to education.

The HSD honorees are: Sherry Alexander, reading specialist, Grannemann Elementary; Rochelle Dampier, instructional specialist, Barrington Elementary; Wanda Jackson, fifth grade teacher, Keeven Elementary; Brandy Williams-Johnson, third grade teacher, Arrowpoint Elementary; and Paula Sanders, fifth grade teacher, Cold Water Elementary.

They are among a group of more than 20 educators from the St. Louis metropolitan area being honored by the sorority. The purpose of the Apple for the Teacher award is to “show appreciation to our educators” and has historically been an American Education Week event.

“Being selected to receive the award is an unexpected honor for me,” said Sanders. “It is reassuring to know that my service to my kids has been acknowledged and appreciated.”

Sanders has been with the district for 30 years, teaching first, second, fifth and sixth grades.

Jackson has worked in the district for seven years, teaching fourth, fifth and sixth grades. She, too, has special feelings about the award.    “Receiving the Apple for the Teacher award means that somewhere along the way I must have made a big difference in the lives of some of my students,” she said

Dampier has been an educator for 14 years, and has worked in the District for 12 years. She taught fifth grade for six years and has been in her current role for six years. She said she is “extremely elated to receive the Apple for the Teacher award.”

The 2009 Apple for the Teacher honorees will receive their awards at a luncheon in November.

The first Apple for the Teacher luncheon was held in 1982. A committee selects the winners from nominations by members of the organization based on specific guidelines.

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