Hard Times Doesn’t Curtail Holiday Giving Spirit in Area

Tough economic times has not hampered the holiday spirit of many North County residents. Several churches and schools in North County have gotten into the spirit of giving this holiday season, with toy drives, food drives, and gift collections.

Atonement Lutheran Church in Florissant collected toys and gifts for the children of Immanuel Lutheran Church in North St. Louis. In addition to toys and gifts, the church collected blankets and diapers, as well as used computers, for Immanuel Church.

Most Sacred Heart, also in Florissant, continued their annual giving tree campaign. Each parishioner is invited to take a paper ornament from a tree in the church. On the ornament is written a gift idea, and the parishioner is asked to purchase the gift and bring it back to place under the tree. Gift ideas ranged from toys to gift cards to several local stores. The giving tree this year benefited local organizations, including the parish’s own St. Vincent DePaul Society.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne also has a giving tree. Items collected went to The Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM), Our Lady’s Inn, which helps pregnant women, and the parish’s own St. Vincent DePaul Society. In addition, the church, as well as several other Catholic Churches, is selling Christmas CD’s featuring Christmas carols from several choirs throughout St. Louis. Proceeds will go to the St. Vincent DePaul Society.

Parker Road Elementary School had a mitten tree. Students collected mittens, as well as hats and gloves, for the less fortunate.

Trinity High School collected shoes for children in Belize. The shoe collection was an effort of the Archdiocese and involved several schools. “Our students brought in at least 15 large boxes of shoes,” said Campus Minister Eileen Goeke. The students also held a toy drive, collecting toys for a parish in North St. Louis. Goeke said the North St. Louis parish sells the toys to its parishioners for a small price, so the parents can buy toys. They use the money collected for the parish youth group.

John Knox Presbyterian Church of Florissant also had a mitten tree.

Their Mothers of Preschoolers groups (MOPS) collected items for Operation Christmas Child, a group that sends shoeboxes of candy and toys to children around the world. The church will hold a toy drive after Christmas, when they will take new or gently used toys. These go to the Brotherhood of Religious Organizations, (BRO), which collects and fixes toys throughout the year. John Knox Presbyterian is also proud to be a large contributor to TEAM.

TEAM is always busy during the holidays, but especially this year, said volunteer Jackie Meierotto. In addition to the regular food collection and distribution, TEAM takes names and distributes Christmas gifts during the Christmas season.

“We can always use meat items, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, anything really,” said Meierotto. TEAM also accepts monetary donations. They have volunteers who shop for whatever the pantry needs.

“We are all volunteers,” said Meierotto. Most volunteers come from churches in the area. TEAM uses these local volunteers to help service local clients. Only people residing in Florissant or Hazelwood zip codes are eligible for help. TEAM will refer people who live outside the area to other food pantries for help.

“We are busier than ever right now,” Meierotto said. TEAM is always accepting donations and volunteers. Their number is 831-0879.

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