Relax with 2016 Summer Olympics

Watching Olympics is Awesome;

Putting Them On is Unbelievable

By Randy Gardner

**Randy Gardner photo**It is hard to believe that the Olympics only happen once every four years. In that time you can go through high school, you can go through college, or you can raise a child and almost get them into kindergarten.

That is how long these athletes train for just a few days of specific competition in their sport. If you have a bad day, four years or a lifetime of training could be lost in a matter of seconds.

If you watch the Olympics right now, you will see that happen every day in some sport. It is amazing to watch the focus of these athletes as they prepare and then execute what they are trying to do.

You know that I love the underdog and this is the perfect place to see those rise up and shine. It is awesome to see the face on an Olympic athlete as they stand on the pavilion and receive their medal. The look on their face as they hear the Unites States National Anthem and then realize that they have accomplished their life goals.

What a great feeling as a parent also, as you see your child achieve their dreams. A Gold medal or any medal in any sport can change your life forever. The Olympics will be gone in a flash so sit down and enjoy what the games offer.

They are easy to watch, as they are all streamed somewhere live or taped on the web. Get involved in the personal stories and live the dreams right along side the athletes and our great nation.

It seems like all other sports are put on hold when the Olympics start because of all of the attention and resources focused on them. Can you imagine the manpower that goes into not putting on these games and also getting them on TV worldwide. There are hundreds of people behind the scenes working the events for months before running cables and building graphics.

With all of this confusion, it is hard to believe that there are not more television flub-ups than there are. Unlike local TV, a mess up on this platform can be seen by billions. I even heard someone say that there is too much coverage. As a media person, I am not sure that can happen.

It’s awesome that some of the sports that usually don’t get much coverage can now be seen in full on the web. With this much technology now, wait till the next Olympics in four years. The technology will maybe put us inside the athlete’s heads.

On the fitness front, I am trying my hardest to keep the pounds off but it is hard, I hope you are doing better than I am on our promise that we made earlier in the summer. Have a great rest of the summer and good luck getting the kids back into the schedule with school starting. From the parents I have talked to, it might be a much-needed break for them. Have fun and be safe.

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