Sacred Heart Catholic Church Celebrates

 150th Anniversary of Being in Florissant

Over 750 parishioners, friends, family, and dignitaries came out to celebrate 150 years that the Sacred Heart Catholic Church has been in the beautiful city of Florissant. Archbishop Robert Carlson along with the current Pastor, Msgr. Mark Ullrich and Associate Rev. Paul Hamilton celebrated Mass. Many past Pastors and associates attended to help celebrate Mass and continue the celebration with dinner and fellowship afterwards.

150 years ago on June 3, 1866 at 3 p.m. Archbishop Peter Kenrick led a Corpus Christi procession from St. Ferdinand Shrine to the new church site and laid the cornerstone of the first church of Sacred Heart. And on October 6, 1866 famous Jesuit missionary, Fr. Pierre Jean DeSmet, visited and blessed Sacred Heart Church.

Prior to the church being built, Sacred Heart Catholic School opened in September 1866. The present Sacred Heart gothic church was built 123 years ago in 1893, and its massive steeple is 175 ft. high.

Thousands of people have been baptized, catechized, anointed and buried from this great parish. Today nearly 1600 families are members and the school has 370 children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Mayor Thomas P. Schneider wishes to congratulate all who have contributed their time, talent and treasure for Sacred Heart Parish.



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