Historic Florissant’s Christmas House Tour is Nov. 30

Historic Florissant presents its annual Christmas House Tour on Sunday, Nov 30.

The organization has been sponsoring this event each year since 1975, and the Sunday after Thanksgiving has come to be known as the opening of the holiday season in Florissant. This year there will be 12 homes, museums and businesses in historic buildings all decked out for Christmas and ready to greet ticket holders. Light refreshments will be served at most stops.

Two of the homes that were on that very first tour will be featured again this year. The Magill House, 410 Harrison, and the John B. Myers House at 180 Dunn Road opened their doors to visitors that year which also happened to be a Nov. 30.

The Magill House, circa 1830, was originally a one room house with a loft. It was expanded over the years with the last additions being made in the 1930s.

In 1975, the Myers House had narrowly escaped the wrecking ball the previous year and was being restored by Historic Florissant.

This year as a “thank you” to the community Historic Florissant is cutting the normal admission price in half, charging the 1975 price of $5 per person for the tour.

Tickets are limited and can be purchased at Historic Florissant at the Franz Gittemeier House, Don Henefer Jewelers at 512 N. New Florissant Road or along St. Francois at Korte’s, Dooley’s Florist, Silver Moon Stencil or Village of the Blue Rose.

Historic Florissant, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that maintains a Resource Room and Archives at the Gittemeier House, 1067 Dunn Road. Along with their offices, they operate a used book store on the second floor. All donations to Historic Florissant are 100 percent tax deductible.

For more information about the House Tour or any of Historic Florissant’s programs, please call 921-7055 or e-mail gdcrank@aol.com.

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