Rain stops just in time for parade Sunday

Northern Lights Parade Returns To Ferguson

Ferguson city floatAfter postponing the annual Northern Lights Parade last year along S. Florissant Road in Ferguson, the parade was back in full holiday mode Sunday. A

light rain all day keep some holiday festivities down, but by 5 p.m. the rain had stopped and the parade was on. Above Mayor Jim Knowles was joined by other Ferguson residents on the city-sponsored float. In bottom photo, a family and their dog sat attentively while the parade passed by.

Bob Lindsey photos

 Santa rides in back of float Pg 1 pr 16


   Santa rode in his lounge chair in Sunday evening’s Northern Lights Parade along S. Florissant Road in downtown Ferguson. Although the earlier rain kept the parade watchers down, several hundred watched along the route

kids on Ferguson float Holiday Market Part Of Ferguson Festival                                                   Sister Garden Gate booth

Before the night time parade, there were booths with food, crafts and games

from 2-7 p.m. The “I Love Ferguson” area (left photo) was again popular this year. Kids could ride the trackless train and there was a story time from Mrs. Claus at Victorian Plaza. There were free hot chocolate and cookies prior to the city tree lighting ceremony held just after the parade

I love Ferguson booth

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