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Read MoreConcerts and Italian Food on the Docket For Florissant Senior Citizens in December
This December senior citizens in Florissant will have the opportunity to attend a private concert by Lindenwood University’s Acapella Choir and to eat at Lombardo’s, one of St. Louis’ finest restaurants. Tickets for these trips are now on sale.
Concert at the Conservatory & Pio’s Restaurant, Dec. 8: Voices Only will perform at the most charming and intimate venue in St. Louis – the Conservatory on St. Charles Main Street. After the concert, seniors will enjoy an authentic Italian lunch at Pio’s Restaurant in St. Charles. The trip will last from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The tickets include transportation, the concert and lunch. Any tickets not sold Nov.10 at the Florissant Senior Dining Center, 621 rue St. Francois, for residents with a current resident card will be available Tuesday, Nov.17, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Florissant Senior Dining Center to residents and non-residents. Cost is $33 for residents and $35 for non-residents. Call the City of Florissant Senior Office, 839-7605, for more information.
Ambassadors of Harmony at the Touhill & Lombardo’s Restaurant, Dec. 12: To rekindle the joy and magic of the holidays, seniors can first have an authentic Italian lunch at Lombardo’s, then listen to popular holiday songs with classic carols and sacred music that tell the story of the season. The Ambassadors of Harmony will present the “Sounds of the Season” Concert at the Touhill Performing Arts Center. This trip will last from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a Silver Words Club Trip, with tickets sold first at the Silver Words Club Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 12. Any remaining tickets will be available at the Senior Office in Florissant City Hall Friday, Nov 13, for both residents and non-residents. The ticket covers transportation, lunch, and the concert and costs $54 for residents and $56 for non-residents. Call the Senior Office at 839-7605 for ticket availability.