Hope This Weekend of Sports is Not The Future

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

What a weekend it turn out to be this past weekend without any St. Louis sports going on. The St. Louis Rams football had a bye week and unfortunately the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team was knocked out of the playoffs by the Chicago Cubs. It almost felt a little bit lonely.

Stop and think about it though, this is the way it would be if we do not have an NFL franchise here in the St. Louis area next year or in two years.

Now I know some of you are saying I don’t even really care, that there are better things to do than to sit in front of the TV and watch football on a nice fall afternoon.

But for a majority, a professional sports franchise in your town is a must. It’s unfortunate that we are in this situation but coming up shortly will be a few opportunities for everybody to voice their opinion at a public meeting hosted by the NFL It will three hours long next week at the Pea body and individuals have three minutes to speak.

This should be a fantastic meeting I can’t wait to hear what everybody has to say. Honestly I think it’ll be split right down the middle, 50% for and 50% against. As most know I am in complete favor of having an NFL franchise here in the St. Louis area, but not sure about the financial part of how things will work out. But somehow we can make it work. I don’t think people realize the financial impact that will have on the St. Louis area and jobs if we do not have a team.

It’ s that time of the year as the weather gets cooler and high school football playoffs begin. This coming up week will be the first round of the playoffs in if you want to see some true spirit among players and teams and kids that are playing for the right reasons go out and see a high school football game in the St. Louis area. (see Jim Wieners story on this page for the North County games).

There are a lot of good high school teams in action actually a few that could probably be as good as a college team, I won’t mention any names.

Also I want to include high school soccer as they approach the playoff run here in St. Louis, a lot of great soccer teams in the area. Without an MLS franchise, what a great place to take a youngster out to a high school game and see the caliber a play that they have. (Again see Jim Wieners story on this weekend’s area soccer games)

I think it’s a great learning experience for the youth because it’s an actual league that they can strive to play in as they develop and get older. It should be a fun six weeks or so for both high school soccer and football, make sure and check to see game times of your local high school teams.

A bit off topic but I know it will strike a chord with many is the new Star Wars movie. I have 3 kids that is why it is on the forefront of my mind. I saw the trailer last night on Monday Night Football. Looks pretty cool, my kids are hyped to see it. It has over 10 million hits in one day on the trailer. If they could somehow integrate sports and Star Wars into a series then both the kids and I would be satisfied. Oh well, we will have to save Chewbacca as a wide out and Luke Skywalker as the Quarterback, along with Darth Vader as Head Coach for another day. Have a great weekend and get your Halloween costumes ready

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