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Read MoreAre Fans Getting Aboard The Rams Bandwagon After Beating 2 Good Teams in ’15?
By Randy Gardner
Who would have ever thought that the Rams would be 2-2, four games into the year? What amazes me the most is that the two wins are against divisional foes that are powerhouses. That being Seattle and the Arizona Cardinals.
When you look at the addition of Todd Gurley to this lineup on a long term basis, this team could be a contender this year. What a quandrum we would be in then if the Rams make it to the playoffs and then the Super Bowl.
What would the fans do then?
Do the naysayers and the haters start loving the franchise again and is it too late then to turn the wheels back and keep this team here after everybody has basically pushed this team out of town?
That’s the way it is, though, as the St. Louis fans are all bandwagon fans and I say it every year. Winning solves everything. I can’t wait to see what this team does over the next two weeks; these will be the weeks that change a lot of minds in this town.
Cards Need Molina in Lineup
How about those Cardinals? Another playoff run starting. How about Yadi Molina? The doctors have cleared him to practice, but do you play him? I feel that you do. Molina is better than most full-time catchers. He is a gamer and will battle through this injury. The only thing I worry about is his hitting and holding onto the bat.
The Cardinals will need the quality pitching they had all year that gave them a league-leading ERA below 3.0. And some will say they have to be more consistent with the bats.
Remember the last two years, when the power starting
showing up in the playoffs?
I think this is going to be another good playoff run for this team. What about those Cubs? Could this be their year? If you watched the second Back to the Future movie, they say that in 2015 the Cubs will be in the World Series. How about that, if that comes true. That will make you stop and think for a few moments.
Another aspect I talk a lot about is how any team can beat any team on any given day. Besides the major league sports, that can happen at the youth level also. This happened over the weekend to both of my soccer teams.
On Saturday we played easier soccer teams and one team lost and the other barely won. The next day they played teams that they were tied with for first place and both played wonderfully and won. Do kids at even a young age truly understand the aspect of stepping up to the plate and trying harder more than we give them credit for? I talk to both teams about this all of the time and to see it come to fruition in a game aspect was awesome.
As a coach and parent, remember the lessons that you teach the kids are ones that can not only be used in sports but can be executed in life also. To see what happened in a sporting event on a weekend be executed into daily life’s tribulations can be life changing for someone. Remember you are one step away from greatness as well as one step away from failure.