Dance and Cookies May 8 at Nature Lodge, Sunset Park

Dance and Cookies May 8 at Nature Lodge, Sunset Park

Grownups (moms, grandmas, aunts, special escorts) can treat the boys in their lives age 12 and under to an evening filled with fun, music, and dancing, plus cookies and punch at the Nature Lodge at Sunset Park on May 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Formal dress is required.

Tickets cost $25 for residents and $30 for nonresidents and must be purchased in advance. They are available March 30th through May 3rd, or until the event is full, whichever comes first. An adult must accompany the boys. For additional information call the James J. Eagan Center at 921-4466 or the JFK Center at 921-4250.

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