Planning Committee will Oversee Funding for Us


Ferguson Library Director Thanks

All Those who Donated to District



Scott Bonner, Ferguson Muniucipal Library director, has issued a public thanks to all who donated to the library as a result of both local and national media coverage.

“We are flabbergasted, and heartened, by the amazing support that the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District has received,” Bommer said in a “thank you” letter.   “We have gotten hundreds of books and nearly $400,000 from over 12,000 donors. Gifts have come from here the St. Louis area , from across the entire country, and from around the world.

Donations have come from individuals, large and small companies, libraries, universities, publishing companies, and well-known authors.  “We are excited by all the wonderful possibilities this opens up to help the people of Ferguson,” Bonner said.

The library’s Board of Trustees has formed a strategic planning committee “to judiciously allocate funding for the good of our community,” within the Library’s mission.  Bonner said the first priority is to bring in a full-time children’s librarian, which will “enhance our ability to help the people of Ferguson, and increase monies devoted to community-focused programming.”

“We also hope to initiate some much needed capital improvements like new carpeting.  The planning committee will oversee the wise use of this surprising and empowering windfall”

His letter concluded “The remarkable support that we have received will enable the Ferguson Library to continue our mission to support continuing education, promote cultural literacy, and serve as a nexus for our community. We gratefully and humbly thank all of our supporters. You are amazing!”

The Ferguson Library is located at 35 North Florissant Road, near the Ferguson Police Department.


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