Ferguson-Florissant School District’s Festival for the Young Child is Sept. 13

The Ferguson-Florissant School District’s Early Education department offers a wide variety of educational experiences for young children many of which are free. The district’s “kick off” event is the” Festival for the Young Child” to be held September 13, Saturday, from 10-2, James J. Eagan Center, # 1 James J. Eagan Drive, Florissant.

Parents and their young children are invited to attend the festival sponsored by the Early Education Department and the City of Florissant. This free event will highlight a wide range of opportunities and services to expectant parents and parents with children from birth to age five, while providing many fun activities for the children.

Discover early education opportunities available in the Ferguson-Florissant School District including free parent education and free preschool. A free book will be given to children.

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