Rams Take Game From 49ers with Tenacious Defense

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

Sometimes you have to take it as it comes and that means everything life, the good, the bad, and the ugly. That’s pretty much what the Rams stumbled into on Sunday as the 49ers handed them a gift of a huge win.

As soon as the 49ers got the ball to the 50-yard line with under two minutes left you could just feel the wind blow out of the sails of the Rams. The 49ers marched the ball down to the 3-yard line and were stopped by a tenacious defense of the Rams.

Like I pretty much say all the time, be accountable to yourself, and that’s what they did, they busted it to the end and look what happened, the QB fumbles on the inches from scoring and the Rams recover and win. That is the way it is in life just when you think you’re down and out something great happens.

This concept also can work against you’ as you’re riding high and someone can knock your feet right out from under you. That’s why I teach my teams and have it instilled in myself that by keeping an even keel that you can’t be swayed off the median bar to high or to low.

Looking at the Rams, they have knocked off two divisional opponents in last three weeks in the Seahawks and the 49ers, so they don’t have a decent 2-1 divisional record.

The true test will come this weekend as they face the 7-1 Arizona Cardinals. If they win this game, I can say that the Rams could be a contender for a divisional playoff spot. One game at a time though. A big playoff run could do wonders for this team, now that baseball is over maybe fans would flock to the dome for a run the playoffs. The Super Bowl is in Arizona this year, how cool would that be for Bill Bidwell’ s team to play in the stadium that he built in the desert.

Catching the Blues in Practice at Mall

As for the Blues and hockey, it is a long season of ups and downs and right now there are several ups including being on a big win streak, but the downs are that TJ Oshie got hurt and is out. I had a chance to take my kids to a Blues practice last week and they were amazed at how big these guys are.

They had a chance to see TJ Oshie and David Backes and others up close. They were mesmerized. That’s all they talk about right now. If you get a chance, head out to the Mills mall and watch them practice. It’s the closest that you will be able to get to the players except for live on the board game seats.

Sometimes a player is just a person on TV for the kids but when they can see them in person it brings another perspective to them. I think they watch the game differently now. On the other hand, they all left saying that’s what I want to be when I grow up but as I reminded them that the sports life is a commitment like nothing else. It is day by day with injuries, a short career span for most and then a lifetime of finding your way into another career. You need that education to back you up.


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