Several City Police Officers Honored

The Florissant City Council honored several members of the Florissant Police Department at the council’s meeting last Monday. The officers were honored for exceptional police work.

Officer Nicholas Osmer: On Dec. 4, 2013, Officer Osmer responded to a call for a burglary in progress. Osmer caught the suspect and took him into custody. The suspect admitted to trying to break into the house and to committing a burglary second degree in St. Louis County.

Officer Shaun Kummer: On Aug. 31, 2013 officers responded to a call for a robbery. Kummer was dispatched to the scene to process the vehicle that was involved in the robbery for any possible evidence. One of the suspects was arrested and positively identified; however, he refused to identify the second suspect involved. The second suspect was identified from a fingerprint obtained in the vehicle

Officer Gary Niemann, Officer Tyler Italiano, Officer Mike Reiter: On Jan. 29, Italiano received information about a subject who was attempting to sell a firearm and possibly had a large amount of marijuana in his residence. Italiano, Niemann Reiter established surveillance of the residence where the subject resided. The officers searched the residence and recovered two fully loaded firearms, a large amount of marijuana and around $4,500 in currency.

Officer Alex Nilson and Officer Kyle Feldman: On Feb. 1, Nilson and Feldman received a radio assignment for suspicious persons near a residence. While patrolling the area, Nilson was able to locate a subject and take him into custody. While further canvassing the area, Feldman recovered a sweatshirt that one of the subjects had been wearing.  Through Nilsons and Feldmans investigation, they obtained a confession from the subject who also identified the other suspect involved in the burglary.

Officer Kim Berry: On March 31, Berry was alerted that a student had collapsed on the gymnasium floor and was unresponsive. When Berry arrived the student was not breathing. Berry assessed the student’s condition, notified dispatch to send an ambulance and then retrieved the automated external defibrillator (AED) device. After using the AED on the student, Berry was able to restore his heart rhythm and he again began to breathe

Officer Chris Easton, Officer Steve Michael and Detective Tim Green: On March 19, the dispatch center notified officers of a Bank Robbery on N. Highway 67. Green responded to the area and obtained a description of the suspect’s vehicle.  He then caught up to the vehicle, broadcast relative information and activated his vehicle’s emergency equipment. The suspect vehicle failed to stop and a pursuit was initiated. The suspect’s vehicle failed and the suspect ultimately took his own life.

Officer Gary Niemann and Officer Shaun Kummer: On Feb. 25, Niemann observed a suspicious vehicle and questioned the occupant, a 64 year old male who said that he was waiting for a 15 year old juvenile. Niemann obtained consent from the driver to examine his cell phone where Niemann discovered images of child pornography Both Niemann and Kummer conducted extensive interviews with the suspect who later confessed to downloading child pornography and having an inappropriate relationship with the 15 year old juvenile.



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