SSM DePaul Will Eliminate All Plastic Bottles at Center

SSM DePaul Health Center is taking an important environmental step. SSM DePaul will no longer provide plastic bottled beverages of any kind.

It is part of a corporate-wide effort to limit the negative environmental impact of making, transporting and disposing of these bottles.

The initiative will be conducted in phases between now and August 1. At that time, the health center will no longer provide plastic bottled beverages anywhere in the hospital. Water and soda will still be available in the beverage fountain in the cafeteria, along with juice in glass bottles.

Soda will also be available in aluminum cans in the vending machines. Recycling bins for aluminum, plastic and glass have been ordered and will be placed in the cafeteria and all patient waiting areas. And employees are being encouraged to use ‘reusable’ cups and purchase soda and coffee refills at discounted prices instead of reaching for a disposable paper cup.

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