Troops in Afghanistan Receive Care Packages from The Bridge at Florissant

Members of the 1st squad, Treatment platoon, Charlie company, 15th Bsb, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry in Afghanistan after opening their care packages from The Bridge at Florissant.
Members of the 1st squad, Treatment platoon, Charlie company, 15th Bsb, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry in Afghanistan after opening their care packages from The Bridge at Florissant.

U.S. military soldiers serving in the 1st squad, Treatment platoon, Charlie company, 15th Bsb, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry in Afghanistan received two care packages courtesy of The Bridge at Florissant. The packages, filled with snack foods, toiletries, games, and other needed supplies, are the result of The Bridge at Florissant’s “Home” collection and donation program.

The Bridge at Florissant’s “Home” program was started by Sales Director Mary Swip as a way to send some of “Home” over to our soldiers still stationed in Afghanistan; her son is currently deployed as a combat medic. “They’re putting everything on the line for us, and this is just one small way we can show our thanks for them during the holidays.”

The Bridge at Florissant was overwhelmed by the generosity shown by the community and friends who made donations. “It’s a demonstration of the caring family culture we have at the Bridge – one that’s obviously shared by our vendors and community when it comes to supporting our military” said Rachel Giffhorn, General Manager of the Bridge at Florissant.

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