Appreciate Christmas And the Real Meaning

By Randy Gardner

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

In this crazy time of the year it’s hard to get anything done and it’s hard to keep your mind on anything but making sure that you get the presents that you have to get for both your family and friends. You get lost in making sure that everybody is getting exactly what they want and sometimes you lose yourself. Is this really what the holiday season is all about though?

Isn’t it about being part of a loving family and spending time with them? Make sure and stop, if not only just for one day, and look around you and cherish everything that you have. It’s such a great time to have kids at the holidays to see them enjoy the spirit of giving and getting presents but make sure that they understand that there is so much more enjoyment from the spirit of giving. Take some time and pray for the people that are less fortunate than you during this holiday season.

As far as the holidays and sports, there’s no better time than this to watch professional football. As they head into the playoffs in college football; as they head into the bowl season and the national championship. It is really cool right now to see, at least from my perspective, the Rams continue to win. They pounded the Seahawks last week and look like they are going to coast right on into the playoffs.

merry christmas 1   I know in my column last week I talked about not knowing if I wanted them to do well or not but actually I’m hoping that they do well. There are a lot of tough teams out there so I’m not sure what’s going to happen but I think that they can hold their own.

I will talk much more about the championship college football season in my next column.

As far as hockey, the Blues continue to be on the roller coaster ride of wins; one big win and then one big loss. There is a lot of time left in the season and I think they will be fine. It is a good time to watch the team with all their young talent and talented veterans. Let’s go Blues!

Finally once again, I want to say thanks to everybody who has read my column over the past 20 years or so and may you all have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year and God bless.happy new year 1

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