North County’s Troop 67 Helps Renovate Camp Cedarledge

Members of Girl Scout Troop 67 work alongside Girl Scout Alumnae to renovate the recreation porch at Camp Cedarledge in Jefferson County.
Members of Girl Scout Troop 67 work alongside Girl Scout Alumnae to renovate the recreation porch at Camp Cedarledge in Jefferson County.

Many hands make for light work. Girl Scout Troop 67 found this old saying to be true as they helped Camp Cedarledge Alumni renovate the recreation porch at the camp, located in Jefferson County.

LaVonda Reed, Jessica and Jennifer Nast of District 9, which is in North St. Louis County, are troop members who helped with the work. We did everything together, we painted, cleaned, organized and sorted books,” said Jessica Nast.

“I formed strong relationships while doing the restoration of the camp,” said Reed. “We worked without others telling us what to do.”

LaVonda stated she has been to Cedarledge more than a dozen times and plans to go again this summer.

“I helped anyone who needed help or they didn’t know what to do,” said Jennifer Nast. “I was proud to sign my name on the board when we finished.”

The Leader of troop 67, Marcia Reed, stated she was very proud of the work the troop had done.  “They were very cooperative and did the best job they could, all while they worked as a team,” said Reed. “Abby was instrumental in making sure the troop stayed on track. The parent who came with us, Debbie Nast, also did her fair share of work.”

“Girl Scout Camp was a great escape into my own world when I was a Girl Scout, I would come every year, meet up with old friends and make new friends,” Reed continued. “It only seems right to help keep it beautiful for generations to come.”

“The Rec Porch project was done by a group headed up by Tina Pfiefer,” said Cedarledge Ranger Mike Horn. “They repainted the entire interior of the Rec Porch, including the floor. They used very nice colors that made it look like it had always looked that way and they also gave it a warm, very clean look and feel,” he explained.

“They added bookshelves and pictures throughout that date back to Cedarledge’s earliest campers,” he added. “They also caulked all areas that needed it and added a broom closet.”

Recycling became part of the project too, as Horn said they utilized removed items to create new items such as racks for tables and chairs.

“This same group then returned and installed a new handicapped-accessible ramp and porch at Staff House, made from composite lumber to extend its life,” said Horn.

Staff House is in the same building as Rec Porch but on the opposite end.

“This group also installed new lighting and fans in Rec Porch, which were greatly needed. Keep in mind this entire job was done by ladies who were and some who still are Girl Scouts who camped at Cedarledge and they take pride in our camp,” Horn continued.

“They took it upon themselves to have all of the materials donated, which was a blessing and easier on the camp budget. I could not have been happier with the job that was done and this group always asks me what else they can do. I will always invite them back and I thank them for all they do for our camp to keep it beautiful.”


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