No Decision Likely On McCoy’s Future in Ferguson-Florissant Before Holiday Break

By Bob Lindsey

Expectations for another large crowd at the Ferguson-Florissant School Board meeting last Wednesday never materalized. Perhaps it was the very cold weather that night or just the fact there is really nothing  new on the future of Art McCoy, who is still out on paid leave with the school district.

The school board still contends the superintendent knows the reason for his placement on leave and McCoy had told supporters at a recent rally that he has not been told the reasons for the board action.  A small group of supporters gathered outside before the Dec. 11th board meeting, again moved to McCluer North in case of a large crowd, but only a few spoke during the public comment portion of the school board meeting. The crowd, which was estimated at 1500 at the mid-November board meeting, was  less than 200 at the Dec. 11th meeting and not nearly as vocal as the last meeting.

Board president Paul Morris had stated recently that the board was investigating “numerous accusations and taking the time to conduct a complete and thorough investigation” before making a decision. He  said that McCoy will have the opportunity to respond to the issues at the board hearing as required in McCoy’s contract with the district.

The only issue that has came out on the dispute was that the board and McCoy didn’t agree on his school choice views and the number of transfer students (430) that the district has accepted from neighboring Riverview Gardens and Normandy school districts.

McCoy has been with the district since 1999 and has been superintendent since July, 2011. His salary was reported at $217,644 and his contract was renewed  in April to run through June 2016.

It was not clear whether any decisions will be made very soon  on McCoy’s future with the district and it seems unlikely  before the holiday break.



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