Tom Schneider is new Florissant Council president


“It looks like it’s going to be an interesting year,” said new Council President Tom Schneider at the end of his first meeting as president. Councilman Andrew Podleski had just spoken about the election for council president.

The council votes on a president every year at this time, after the elections to seat council members. Podleski supported Keith English for the job. Schenider was elected before English could be nominated.

“This is disappointing for me as a councilman,” Councilman Tim Lee said about the four “no” votes for Schneider for council president. He said that council had, in the past, voted unanimously for council president to show unity.

Councilwoman Karen McKay said that she would have supported Schneider, but another council person asked for her support first. She said that she wouldn’t have said anything about it if Lee hadn’t brought it up.

“I think Keith English would have made a better president,” Podleski said. Podleski also said that his board appointment was turned down by the council. “I think the only reason the council voted against this man was because I proposed him,” Podleski said. “We talk about unity, but it goes both ways.”

Podleski and John Grib are the newest council members, elected in April and sworn in at the last meeting. In the same election incumbent Mark Schmidt defeated challenger Greg Streibel in Ward 8. Schmidt received eight more votes than Streibel.

Streibel has spoken at the last two council meetings about the vote. He has criticized Mayor Robert Lowery for campaigning for Schmidt. He has also criticized Schmidt for using union workers from outside the city to campaign. He has also accused Schmidt’s campaign of stealing his yard signs.

In other matters, the council:

o Passed a bill making it unlawful for any person to engage in any business without first procuring a license. The city did not have any penalty for not having a license before this bill. This corrects that, said Schneider.

o Voted to move the next meeting from May 26, which is Memorial Day, to Tuesday, May 27.


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