CVS Rezoning Delayed Again, May be Awaiting MoDot Traffic Study

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council had a light agenda this week, the last meeting of the year. They heard from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) regarding I-270, particularly the portion that goes through North County. MoDOT is beginning to study this section to determine if changes could improve traffic flow.

The council also recognized Daniel M. Call for his eleven years of service to the city on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

There was some business to take care of, however. A bill authorizing the rezoning of the property at 1550 and 1500 S. New Florissant Road for a CVS Pharmacy was on the agenda for a second reading.  CVS asked for postponement of a final vote. This is the fourth time the final vote has been postponed.

After the meeting, Mayor Tom Schneider said that CVS was waiting on MoDOT. There were some issues with the intersection at Dunn and New Florissant that could impact the business. “There are some right-of-way requirements that need to be squared away,” Schneider said. He also added that there could be more issues with CVS, but the only one they have made the city aware of is the road issue.

City Awaits Red Light Camera Ruling

Another bill on the agenda for a second reading was an ordinance regarding traffic signals. Councilman Tim Lee motioned for a second reading, but his motion was not seconded and the bill died. After the meeting, Lee said that the bill had to do with red light cameras in the city. The council decided not to make any changes because the issue is going through the courts right now.

“We’re waiting for the courts to decide,” he said. “We had to bring the bill back on the floor and let it die, and I was just the lucky one chosen to bring it back.”

The council passed another bill rezoning property at 475 N. Highway 67 to allow for a car wash. This is the site of the former Commerce Bank building.

“I’d like to thank Mr. Grib for thinking outside the box on this,” Schneider said. The car wash building will be unique, using mostly glass construction. “It will be the first of its kind in the area,” Schneider said, and will be an asset on land that has been undeveloped since Commerce bank left.

The council also passed a bill that appropriates funds for expenses associated with the Property Acquisition Program and the Homeowners Assistance Program. The council passed bills establishing the programs earlier this year. The Property Acquisition Program will allow the city to purchase homes that have been seized by the county for tax delinquency. The Homeowners Assistance Program will enable the city to provide matching down payment funds up to $6,000 to new homeowners.

“I’d like to thank Mr. Lee for bringing this to the forefront,” Schneider said. He said that he and the administration endorse both programs wholeheartedly, and that the city has already received applicants.

“We have had children of long-time residents say that this is tipping the scale in favor of them buying in Florissant,” Schneider said. “This will have tremendous benefits to the real estate market in the city.”

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