Mizzou Got Pounded, But CBS Announcers Seemed Pro-Auburn

**Randy Gardner photo**

By Randy Gardner

In Missouri, we are known as the Show Me State, last weekend we were known as the please show me something state, in terms of football.

Let’s start off with the Missouri Tigers, it couldn’t have been any bigger of a let down against Auburn Tigers as Gary Pinkel’s version just didn’t show up , at least defensively, to play that night.

The defense which played so well all year long could just not stop the run. At half-time they were supposed to make adjustments, the Tigers said they made some adjustments but I’m not sure exactly what they were because the second half looked just like the first half.

Besides the game being a disappointment, I thought the commentators were very slanted towards Auburn the entire game. Looking at the game realistically, I am sure the Auburn Tigers has a much bigger fan base across the country than the Missouri Tigers, but as an announcer you have to call this game evenly.

Even when Mizzou was up, they made it sound like it was an Auburn broadcast. Many people are disappointed that the Tigers got chosen to go to the Cotton Bowl but I think it is actually a good pretty good place for them to be. They will be playing in Texas where they have a high recruit base (20 percent of the 2013 squad) and they’re playing Oklahoma State, a team from Mizzou;s old league, the Big 12 (which now has ten teams). This should be a great game. The Tigers really need to step up in this one and end season on a positive note even though they did much better than I think many people expected going 10-2 for the year and winning the SEC East

Rams Didn’t Seem to Show Up

Now on to show me something Sunday, and the show me something for the Rams was absolutely missing right  from the beginning. For the Rams I was so pumped up to be able to sit and watch a little bit of this game and as soon as it started I knew the Rams were going to get pounded.

How can a team be so up and down and not just a little bit up and down I mean to the  extremes from week-to- week. The Cardinals quarterback had a hurt shoulder and the Rams still let them throw the ball all over the field. I always say that anything can happen on any given Saturday or Sunday in any sports league across the country but the fluctuation with the St. Louis sports teams can make anyone become a nervous Nelly.

I guess as a sports fan that is just part of the landscape you have to take the good with the bad, unfortunately through the past decade or so the bad seems to be far more than the worse in football.

So as we get closer to the holidays  and we make our New Year’s wishes, I wish for the same thing that I do every year, of course the health of my family and friends. But I also want to become a content St. Louis sports fan in all professional avenues with the championship trophies bring be bringing home from every team. I know that is a lot to wish for but I always talk about aiming high and if you aim high and fall just a bit short you’re still above average.

Please be careful as you shop for the holidays here because shopping has become a physical contact sport. Happy holidays

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