I Hope Fan Base For International Soccer Carries Over to Ambush

What a treat it has been for St. Louis soccer fans as they have been been able to witness 3 international soccer matches at the highest level. On the negative side though, the old saying goes that you can only go to the well so many times.

I almost feel that is what is happening with the success of the first game, brought the second game and with that brought the third game . With any success story like they’re having, they will continue to bring these games and the outlook will start to diminish because they won’t be so rare anymore.

Also, you have to look at the economic factor with the ticket prices being where they are the family cannot afford to go to many of these games So when these games don’t sell out, then they will stop bringing them  here.

Like anything in life too much of a good thing can be bad.

I am just hoping that this desire for soccer will carry over to the  new St. Louis Ambush that will be playing their indoor games at the Family Arena starting next week.

When I  talk about the Ambush, I drifted back in my mind to the days of the St. Louis Steamers when you couldn’t get a ticket and if you did you were among the luckiest folks in St. Louis to experience 20,000 fans going nuts at the old Arena. I really wish I could go back and relive those days

Rams vs. Bears, Mizzou at Ole Miss

This weekend was a weird one as there were no local football games to watch or even to record and watch later. The Rams were off and the Missouri Tigers were off also. Right now are two of the most anticipated TV watching teams here in the St. Louis area. The Tigers head to Oxford for what could be a tough road game down South.

I am so curious to see what this Rams will do after a bye week against ‘da Bears after they came off a big win. I always talk about that momentum in sports and right now Jeff Fisher can take that momentum coming off that big win with this young team and maybe propel them into a playoff spot. With a streak of wins here the team can actually make it.

On Sunday night, I had a chance to sit down and watch a bit of the NFL Sunday night game and I am really disappointed in the behavior of some of these athletes. I don’t even really know what to say. I’ve said it over and over in my articles  and on the air, but the shenanigans have to stop.

If the kids on either of my two teams even start to talk another kid or say something to another kid or act crazy after the score goal they are a immediately pulled off the field. There is no place in sports for that. I will be touching on that and a lot more with a special interview with a gentleman from North County who is been in Phylben coaching kids for over 45 years. Look for this in the near future; I know he will have an interesting take because he has seen it all. I simply know him as Mr. Horton. Keep an eye out for that special column.

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