St. Louis in Step For A Pro Soccer Team

By Randy Gardner

How about nearly 60,000 people showing up for a soccer game on a Saturday afternoon in St. Louis after just a few weeks ago nearly 50,000 showing up for an outdoor game. I think St. Louis may be back to being the soccer capital of the United States.  I have been saying this for years but St. Louis deserves an MLS team.

It is a shame that we do not have one. These two games show that a professional team at that caliber would be supported. When you drive by any park from now until December you won’t be ale to find an empty parking spot or an open field because every youth in the area will be playing soccer.

It’ s a wonderful team sport that doesn’t cost a lot to play. Speaking of getting the season going, many coaches around the area are gearing up such as I;  I will be coaching a 3rd grade team and a Kindergarten team.

I bring this up because it is the highlight of my life. For any parent who coaches, they understand what it is like to be called coach and to have parents and kids appreciate what you do for them. I take great pride in teaching the kids the fundamentals of the game along with the theory of the game. It is important.

It took me until my college playing days to understand the concept of running less and making the ball do the work, finding open spaces and playing the ball to them. I am trying to teach that to my Kindergartners so that by the time they are in competitive soccer in a few years, they are way above average players. There are many different kinds of coaches though, I know some that are already practicing the little ones wide a week for a hour and a half; that is ridiculous. They are kids, don’t burn them out. It’s for fun right now. Remember as coaches and parents, don’t try and relive your youth through your kids.

Let’s Hope Rams Do Better Saturday

The St. Louis Rams, well, I don’t really know what to say. I was so excited about the season but the preseason opener against the Browns didn’t go so well. I know that the starters only played a few series but overall it didn’t go well.

If you look at the team on paper or on the practice field they look really good. The receivers are young but impressive. I am really curious to see what his team will do without the presence of Steven Jackson in the backfield. He was a guy that always could handle a play in any situation at anytime. That run down your throat style will have to change now. That is the only negative I see now, is that the offense might become one dimensional as they will depend on the pass a little too much. Either way, let’s just be happy that we have a team and we can call them the Rams and they are still in St. Louis. Let’s see how the Rams do at home this Saturday against Green Bay, to get a better picture of their progress.

Finally, Over the past few weeks I have seen a tremendous amount of stories on the web and on National TV about children and obesity. Looking at the numbers it is scary. The dependence on video games and television in our society to fill our time is scary. Be a good mentor to your children and teach them the importance of exercise and eating healthy. It just makes you feel better and during the school year, it will give them that extra boost of energy to make it through the day.

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