Ferguson Florissant School District Registration Begins July 15

Students wishing to enroll in the Ferguson-Florissant School District may do so starting July 15 at the District’s Administration Center, located at 1005 Waterford Drive in Florissant.  Registration hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

The following items are required for enrollment of resident students in the Ferguson-Florissant School District:

  • Updated occupancy permit (dated within the past 90 days) plus a current lease, mortgage payment book or mortgage bill;
  • Proof of student’s birth date such as a birth certificate, hospital certificate, documents from previous school (with birth date), immunization records (with birth date), state identification (student’s), driver’s license (student’s), military identification (student’s);
  • Student’s original social security card (recommended but not required);
  • Immunization record (complete from infancy, required by State);
  • Last report card (elementary and middle only);
  • Unofficial transcript (high school only);
  • Withdrawal form from previous school (if available);
  • Discipline report (in sealed envelope, will expedite enrollment);
  • IEP and Evaluation (if student receives services);
  • Proof of guardianship (court appointed documents, divorce decree, Division of Family Services (DFS) placement papers, foster care, military power of attorney, power of attorney);
  • Photo identification (driver’s license or state-issued identification) of parent or guardian enrolling student.

For more information about Ferguson-Florissant School District registration, please visit the District’s website at fergflor.org or call the Admissions Office at (314) 506-9960.

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