I Bet Albert Would Love Being Part of This Cardinal Team

How fun is it to turn on the television every night, whether it’s at the start of a Cardinals baseball game or at the end of the game and know that the outcome is pretty much going to going to be the same with a Cardinals win.

I always say that, it is a long season in baseball when the Cardinals are losing but when the Cardinals are in first place like they are right now, I always say  wish the playoffs were  just around the corner.

I was watching a story the other night on TV about Albert Pujols and it’s very unfortunate that he made the decision to go to California, because his status as a legend here in the St. Louis area has totally changed.

I think if Albert would’ve stayed here and finished out his career, what he did from here on out in St. Louis with his stats, he would’ve been seen as a legend to this Cardinals franchise. I think he really helped change the landscape of baseball in the 2000s for the Cardinals overall. How soon we forget though.

Can Fans Support  Indoor Soccer Again

With the announcement this week about the return of indoor soccer with a new team named  the Ambush, my years in the sport come in mind, There are so many things in this life that I cherish including my family, my job, my friends and all of the memories I have of playing soccer at all different levels.

I also remember the days of going to the St. Louis Steamers indoor soccer games in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s at the old Arena  when you could not find a ticket to a game. Those names like Slobo and Tony Glavin, and on down the line, are etched in my memories forever. These are the guys that shaped my future, they were my heroes in sports, they helped me to live my dream playing high school and college soccer.

Through the years, indoor soccer here has been reborn through many different names including the Storm and the Ambush, but it just never was as successful as it was back in the early days of the Steamers. I can’t really tell you why, I don’t think a lot of other people know why either.

When you see  Busch Stadium being sold out to see the recent big British outdoor game and having no MLS team, I think we could support outdoor soccer in this area. But when the indoor sport has not been supported at all, it makes you scratch your head as to why. As you have heard this week, indoor soccer will be back here in St. Louis shortly, and as much as I want it to succeed, we’ll just have to wait and see what the soccer fans of St. Louis have to say about the teams future.

I talk a lot about achieving your goals and not giving up. Next time  I will talk about maybe missing one dream by just a little bit, but watching a much bigger dream and goal come after that— proving to be much more satisfying and gratifying. It’s funny how the world unfolds in front of you. Remember never give up, you never know what’s in front of you.


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