STLCC Receives EPA Funds to Train Workers for Hazardous Waste Cleanup

St. Louis Community College will receive nearly $200,000 in federal funding to prepare individuals for jobs in hazardous waste cleanup.

Through this U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant, STLCC will receive $199,994 to conduct the training. The college plans to graduate 81 students, place 55 graduates in environmental jobs, and track graduates for one year.

Participants will receive more than 200 hours of instruction through courses that include environmental technology, safety, lead and asbestos abatement, mold remediation, environmental sampling and monitoring, chemical hazards and blood borne pathogens.

“We are honored to be selected for the fourth time by the EPA Region 7 to administer this impactful environmental job training grant program along with our long standing local partner, Saint Louis University’s Center for Environmental Education and Training,” said Roderick Nunn, D.M., STLCC’s vice chancellor for economic development and workforce solutions. “This has been a very successful partnership over the years, with our local grant program achieving the highest placement rates nationally, and most importantly helping qualified residents earn credentials that are of value in the marketplace.”

Residents of St. Louis City and County, East St. Louis and surrounding counties in Illinois who are low income, unemployed or receive public assistance will be recruited for this training program.

Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grant funds are provided to nonprofit organizations and other eligible entities to recruit, train, and place predominantly low-income and minority, unemployed and underemployed residents from solid and hazardous waste-impacted communities. Residents learn the skills needed to secure full-time, sustainable employment in the environmental field, including a focus on assessment and cleanup activities.

Since 1998, the EPA has funded 206 job training grants totaling more than $45 million

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