Chief Lowery Elected to Office by two Police Groups

In October of 2014 at the 121st Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference in Orlando, Florissant Chief of Police, Colonel Timothy J. Lowery was elected as Vice Chairman with the State Associations of Chiefs of Police (SACOP). After he serves two years as Vice Chairman Lowery will ascend into the position of Chairman for following two years. During these two years he will also serve on the Board of Officers for the entire International Association of Chiefs of Police.

SACOP provides a way for members of the separate state associations to come together and to establish new levels of communication among law enforcement agencies, coordinate the separate state associations and balance the states’ views on significant law enforcement issues. Membership is open only to a Chief Executive who is a current officer of his/her state association.

In December of 2014 Colonel Lowery was also elected as 3rd Vice President with the Missouri Police Chiefs Association (MPCA). The group has more than 600 members statewide, all local, state and federal law enforcement executives living and working in communities throughout Missouri.

The MPCA was founded in 1953 to allow for closer relationships between police chiefs in Missouri and to foster high professional standards for all law enforcement officers. Since its conception, MPCA’s mission has grown to develop closer official and personal cooperation between chiefs, law enforcement and governmental agencies. The MPCA proposes, supports and provides information on legislation relative to the betterment of law enforcement to promote professionalism, training, and optimum public relations. The MPCA also disseminates timely information relative to law enforcement and sponsors scholarships, the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run and other community betterment activities.


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