Prescription Drug Take-Back Day in Hazelwood April 27

The Hazelwood Police Department (HPD) is partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in giving local residents their sixth opportunity in three years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs.  A National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  This public service is free and anonymous, with no questions asked or identification required.

The department will be setting up two collection points.  One of them will be placed at the street curb in front of City Hall, 415 Elm Grove Lane, so motorists can drive up next to the collection box and drop them in. The second collection site will be the Police Sub-Station at St. Louis Outlet Mall.  A collection box will be placed just inside the front door.

“Each time we’ve been doing this Take-Back drug event, the amount of pills we collect increased because of more participation by our local citizens,” said Sgt. Andy Eagan, with the HPD.

The non-medical use of prescription drugs ranks second only to marijuana as the most common form of drug abuse in America. A majority of the abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet.

Flushing unused medicines down the toilet has the potential to contaminate the water supply. Unused drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold.

For more information on HPD’s participation in the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 27, contact Eagan at (314) 513-5208.

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