First Parent Engagement In HSD Called a Success

Recently, more than 60 people attended the Hazelwood School District’s first parent engagement forum on school safety. Two additional forums were held this past week.

“We were very pleased with the turnout and hope that many more patrons will attend forums scheduled in the future,” said Julia Burke Thorpe, assistant superintendent for student services. “Participants were very interested in what our District is doing to ensure the safety of our students, staff and community members. They also provided excellent feedback and suggestions as we move forward.”

During the first forum, HSD shared safety improvements made since the tragedy that occurred in December at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

In addition, members of the St. Louis County Police Tactical Unit shared information on the ALICE program, which stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate. ALICE training teaches that finding a safe escape route or disabling a dangerous intruder when practical can be more effective in preventing massive casualties. This training teaches that assessing a situation correctly and responding appropriately is the most effective way to save lives.

The forum also included a presentation from a panel of high school students, as well as provided opportunities for parent feedback and input on the safety plans.

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