Italian Theme Luncheon at Shrine On Valentines Day

The Friends of Old St. Ferdinand will host an Italian-themed luncheon on Valentine’s Day, Thursday, Feb. 14 at noon at the Old St. Ferdinand Shrine. Reservations are currently being accepted. Meal price of $15 includes drinks, lunch and dessert and will be served in the 125 year-old schoolhouse. Attendees will be eligible to win a special drawing.

St. Ferdinand Shrine is home to a life-sized wax figure and relic of St. Valentine, who was martyred in the year 270 A.D. Whether or not you join the lunch, please attend Mass at 11 A.M. and learn more about this beloved Saint. Rev. Father Keller, Pastor of St. Angela Merici, will be the celebrant.

After the luncheon, docents will provide free tours of the Shrine complex which includes the 1819 convent, 1821 church building and 1840 rectory. Also, the gift shop and book sale will be open after Mass. Call Mrs. Mary Ann Daub at 314-479-1749 for questions or to make a reservation.

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