Catholic Schools Week Still Very Active at North County Schools


The numbers have dwindled, but Catholic schools are still vibrant in our area. Several North County Catholic schools will be celebrating Catholic Schools week later this month The week, which begins on Jan. 27, is designed to celebrate Catholic education and honor students, parents, and staff.

At Sacred Heart school, each day will be devoted to a different activity. On Sunday, students will attend mass to thank parishioners for supporting the school. On Monday, designated as Student Appreciation Day, students will have a dress down day. Teachers will receive notes of appreciation from the students for Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday. Wednesday, the school will have Family Day, when parents are invited to visit.

Thursday, the staff will receive notes for Staff Appreciation Day, and Friday, students will have the day off.

In addition, the school will hold a penny cup challenge during the week, with each class competing to see who can raise the most money for St. Patrick’s Center.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne School will get an early start to the week when they unveil the new school banner on Jan. 24. The new banner will be visible from the parking lot and St. Catherine Street. St. Rose will also hold a parent appreciation day, and a volunteer/community appreciation day. Students at St. Rose will have pajama day on Jan. 28. This day will also be homework-free. The school will have an open house.

St. Angela Merici will also have student appreciation day and teacher appreciation day. In addition, they will honor parents on Wednesday by inviting parents to join their children for lunch in the cafeteria.

St. Sabina will be “turning back the clock” and going back to the days of one room school housed on Monday, when students from each grade will be grouped together in classrooms. Students will dress in period clothing and remember the old days. On Tuesday, students will have student appreciation day and be allowed to dress out of uniform.

St. Sabina will also hold an open house on Wednesday. In addition, St. Sabina is having a family ice skating night at the Florissant Civic Center on Thursday

Several grade schools will be sending their eight-graders to a mass at St. Sabina on Thursday, Jan. 31. Organizers hope that this will become an annual event, with the eighth-graders going to mass at a different church each year.

Trinity Catholic High School gets an early start with an all-school Mass on Friday, Jan. 25. On Thursday, Jan. 31 Trinity is hosting 600 students from eight North County Catholic schools for a showing of their alumni production of “Meet Me in St. Louis.” Trinity ends the week on Sunday, Feb. 3 with a Mass and breakfast.


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