Rams Finally Got Things Going Their Way in Big Win

By Randy Gardner

What an enjoyable weekend it was as the Rams played one of the most exciting games that they have played in the last 10 years. I was on the edge of my seat or should I say couch the entire game.

I had a feeling that coming off of a big win like the previous week that raw emotion could play in their favor and it did. It was great to see the team play with passion and never give up. I found myself biting my nails and yelling at the screen the entire game.

There were good plays, bad plays, and tackling and coverage from defenders that left me scratching my head. As soon as something bad would happen something good would happen.

Now that is football. It was great to see the Rams hang in there and play all the way to the end. For the past several years, like the past 0 years, the ball has never really bounced in our favor on 50/50 plays but this past week it did.

Remember, a bit of luck and a great attitude will take you far in life and it will also win you a football game or two. It was so great to see the interaction amongst the players and Jeff Fisher as they kicked that winning field goal. You could tell that he was just as excited as the players. I love to see that. Watching football later that night, it was cool to see the Rams logo in the graphic for teams still in the wildcard hunt.

A win on Sunday against the Bills and the Rams are right in there. What a great way to turn the season around and make the non believers, believers in the Rams and Coach Jeff Fisher.

Beckman Should Have Made the Kick in MLS

Onto the MLS Championship game, and for you non soccer fans that would be Major League Soccer. David Beckham and the LA Galaxy pulled off a huge win in the game against Houston. It was a close game the entire way until the end when LA got a couple of goals including a penalty kick on a hand ball in the box late in the game.

What disappointed me was that David Beckham was not allowed to take the kick. What would be the more perfect way for him to end his career in the US rather than a goal in the finals. The place would have gone crazy and it would have been the perfect ending to the perfect story.

This guy put soccer back on the map in the United States as far as professional soccer. We have a viable league and stadium that are being built specifically for soccer. Look on the East coast and even in Kansas City, the stadiums are completely sold out and there are waiting lists for season tickets. Who would have ever thought? I am looking forward to seeing his next chapter in life.

Happy Holidays to everyone and soak in every moment with your family during these hectic next few weeks. Even though they seem demanding, these moments are what life is all about.

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