Taille de Noyer Holiday Lunch and Tour December 6

Taille de Noyer will be decorated in her holiday finery for the annual Christmas Luncheon to be held on Thursday, December 6. Seatings are at 11:30, 12:30 and 1:30.

Following lunch (or before if you arrive early), guests are invited to tour all four floors of Taille. The lower area houses many treasures from early Florissant including one of the first street lights, a pair of wooden shoes made locally and fixtures from Wiethaupt’s General Store (now Dooley’s Florist) and Miss Bright’s Hat Shop, both former businesses in Old Town.

The 1st and 2nd floors contain furnishings that reflect the different periods of the house and the 3rd floor Costume Room boasts a collection of clothing that spans more than a hundred years.

Tickets are $15.00 each and reservations are necessary. You can order tickets by sending your check to Florissant Valley Historical Society, P.O. Box 298, Florissant, Mo. 63032. Reservations can also be made by calling Mary Kay, 409-9478 or Carol, 838-4536. Please specify seatings time when making reservations. Tickets will be held at the door. Seating is limited, so make reservations early.

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