Showboating For a 1-7 Team Is Outrageous

By Randy Gardner

As I have said many times before, showboating gets you nowhere and that was never more evident than in Monday night’s Football game between the Chiefs and the Steelers. I am always a fan of the underdogs in any sport but when the underdogs act like they are the World Champions, I can’t take it.

The Kansas City Chiefs who have not led a game all year were ahead when I flipped on the tube; it did not take long for the players to act like they had just made the biggest play ever, jumping around, dancing and high fiving on every tackle and play. I understand passion but there is a limit to that.

Later in the game, they were fortunate enough to score a touchdown on a small pass and the receiver held the ball back in the face of a defender as he went into the end zone.

I was screaming at the TV and what do you know, there was a flag thrown for taunting but better yet, another flag for holding.

It’s a crazy thing called Karma.

What comes around goes around story was never more evident than right there. You don’t act like that.

Eventually the Chiefs lost in overtime. For me, a well deserved loss because of the inconsiderate actions of the players. As A coach, I would be disgraced if my players acted like that, especially when you are 1-7. On the other hand, look at Jeff Fisher, two players were sat on the bench for this past weekend’s game in San Francisco for a team infraction, one player is the team’s leading receiver. This states a message to everyone involved.

I love this hard nose style of coaching. This will put players in their place. Remember coaches at any level, it starts with you. If you allow it at the youth level it will only get worse as the kids get older. Teach them respect.

Other Sports Could Follow NASCAR Discipline

If you are not a NASCAR fan but a fight fan, well you are missing out on a lot as this past weekend there was a huge brawl at the 2nd to last NASCAR race. Jeff Gordon and his crew was in the middle of the whole melee as he intentionally crashed another car in the race for the chase.

This is what makes this sport exciting, the intensity in this sport is incredible. I look so forward to the last race of the year as it will all come down to one race for the Championship. The fireworks in this one will be incredible.

The cool thing about the sport is that the racers have incredible respect for each other and even after one of these huge fights happen, the racers will work it out and they will be back on the track next weekend.  More sports need to be like NASCAR which include heavy punishments for actions that are wrong along with heavy fines. This will stop a lot of crap that goes on in these leagues.

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