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Read MoreBret Favre Record, Faulk’s # Retired, Highlight Week
So much to write about this week that I could fill four pages but I will keep it short and sweet as they say. First off, same ole, same ole for the St. Louis Rams as they just completely fall apart in the second half against the Packers.
I thought Marc Bulger and Steven Jackson played very well in the first half with Jackson getting over 100 yards. The story of the day though was the crowd that was at the dome. If you were there, you know exactly what I am talking about.
I came onto the field about an hour early through the Packers tunnel to stand at the end of the Packers as they warmed up. To my surprise, there were at least 2000 people cheering for the Packers as they entered the field.
Seriously; this was almost like a home game for the Packers.
The stadium was filled with green and yellow. It was a really neat thing to experience, especially since Brett Favre broke the passing record at the dome. I have always been a big fan of Brett and how he plays the game with such passion. After the game, we were able to talk to him at his press conference and I have even more respect for him now as he talked about how he was honored to be in such company as Dan Marino.
This is a guy that is not in the game for the bling, he absolutely loves the game of football and it shows. After the game, callers to local radio were upset about the fans selling their tickets to Green Bay fans. My response to that is that if the team was playing better then their would be no fans that would want to sell their tickets, but if you can get someone that wants to go to the game to buy your tickets, hey good for you. It’s a free country.
It will be cool on Thursday night as the Rams wrap up the home season against Pittsburgh and retire Marshall Faulk’s jersey. Both the Favre record and the Faulk jersey retirement will be two things that myself and other Rams fans can tell their grandkids they witnessed.
Fans Will Miss Edmonds and Eckstein———-
How about the Cardinals making some big moves this past weekend, not only did we wake up to a major snowstorm but we woke up to the word that the Cards traded away Jim Edmonds. I have been asking a lot of people about this and they are about 50/50.
Real baseball fans see the need for the youth movement and an everyday player that can hit. Others, like my grandma are upset that the fan favorite has been sent away. I am kind of on the fence, maybe give him that one more year here but he would have to prove himself on a daily basis to stay in the lineup.
As for Davis Eckstein, whom do we believe him or the Cards as far as the contract mix up? I put the agent in the middle to blame as far to often this seems to happen with miscommunication between the three parties. Let’s get back to face-to-face negotiations in the world of sports.
As far as the holidays go, I guess I will see many of you last minute shoppers (mostly guys) at the mall this week getting last minute gifts just like I am. With that, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.