Too Bad All The Rams Games Can’t Be Home Games at the Dome


The Rams pulled out another huge victory at home as they now go to 4-4 and 4-0 at home. What a way for this team to play for its home town fans. To bad all of the games aren’t home games.

Actually though, the Rams could be 6-2 very easily if a couple of plays would have went their way in a few of the road games. I am still impressed by the play of Sam Bradford and his decision making skills as a rookie, this guy is the real deal. This is the bye week for the Rams and will give this team a chance to heal up especially Stephen Jackson.

What do you think about the Rams going after Randy Moss? I am split right down the middle with this one. With all of the receivers out for the Rams, he could help us but let’s remember his past and his baggage that he may bring to a team that seems to be jelling now  as a young team,. Moss could be a major distraction.

Tigers  Just Can’t Win 2 Big ones in a Row

I sat in front of the TV on Saturday and watched the Tigers get it handed to them. I had a bad feeling about this as you see it all of the time, a team has a big win and then they follow it up with a terrible game because of the hype. That is exactly what happened to this Tigers team, too much hype coming off of the Oklahoma State victory.

I know every week is a big game but they have to show that they can rebound now and get back on the winning track. This has been the one  negative side of Gary Pinkel’s program through the years.

How about the World Series? I did not really care who won but it had a couple of great stories behind it. I was a bit more slighted to Texas as they had never won it before. Either way it was really cool to see the celebration at the end of the game with the Giants as they won pretty handily. No matter who wins even if you hate them, you have to enjoy the passion of the players achieving a goal that many will never achieve.

I just wish that the home team would always win so the home fams would get a chance to celebrate. I really feel old though as my wife said to me  that those guys look like high school kids playing ball and they are young enough to be my kids. I need to go for a jog or maybe workout to make me feel younger, I think we all do.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween and lets get ourselves ready for the Holidays as Thanks giving and Christmas are just around the corner and that means that cold weather is on the way.

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