Annual Veterans’ Parade Nov. 11 on Rue St. Francois

A float from the 2011 Veterans’ Day Parade

The city of Florissant will once again hold a Veterans’ Day parade this year. The parade will step off at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11. After the parade, the Veteran of the Year presentation will be held.

The 2.5-mile parade begins at the corner St. Charles and St. Francois, goes east on St. Francois, one block south on New Florissant to East on St. Catherine, North on Waterford Drive, and ending at the James J. Eagan Center. Following the parade there will be a presentation of the Veteran of the Year award and refreshments will be served.

This year’s Parade Marshall is John Cahalin, who was last year’s Veteran of the Year winner. Officer Michael Vernon will be the honorary Parade Marshall.   The guest speaker will be morning news anchor Pat McGonigle from KSDK News Channel 5.

The Veteran of the Year award will be presented to Kenneth L. Hoffman, who served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. His continuing service to the community in the subsequent years was a contributing factor in his selection.

Over 70 units will participate in the parade, said Mayor Tom Schneider. A Black Hawk helicopter from the Missouri  National Guard will be on display on the soccer field across from McCluer North.

The annual Veterans’ Parade was first brought to Florissant at the suggestion of Norman Sirna, a member of the Veterans’ Commission.  Schneider and the City Council invite “everyone to bring their children and grandchildren to this event and salute the men and women who have and continue to serve our great  country in Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.”

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