After Licking in London Rams Should be Ready For 2nd Half of Season

By Randy Gardner

Unfortunately, the Rams had to travel half way around the world to get their butts handed to them in an awful loss. As I have said before, the season will have a lot of ups and downs as they continue to build and grow but this game against the Patriots in London certainly highlighted their weaknesses.

In a way, I feel sorry for the team, they go out and give it all they have every week but just lack talent at a few important places and lack the experience to pull it all together. I am hopeful that Jeff Fisher will be able to get the ship in the right direction though, he has some momentum I think with the fans as they see he has his heart in this. I think that is all we can hope for as fans, that the Rams continues to grow each week and mature.

New Football Team in Town

In other football news, there is a new game in town and its back to indoor football in the Winter at the Family Arena in St. Charles. It’s the Missouri Monsters, what a great name for an indoor football team. Not much has been revealed yet about the team  except that it looks like the team will be headed up by none other than, the one and only, John Parker.

I talked to him last night about this and he said that it will be an experience that no one will forget. It will be a loud and crazy atmosphere. I will keep you informed of all of the upcoming events for the team over the next few months. The season is suppose to start in February.

Cards Shouldn’t Feel Bad After Giants Sweep

As far as the World Series, can you believe that a team that was down 3 games to 1 against the Cardinals would go on to win 7 straight games to wipe out the Cardinals and then go on to sweep the Tigers. The Giants hit that stream at the right time,

I talked about it last week and it was so true as hitting and pitching all came together to put on one heck of a show for this country. The fans of St. Louis should be proud of Mike Matheny and the Cards for a great season and should be happy for the fans of the Giants, as we know the exuberate feeling of being World Champions. Remember, there is always next year.

Finally, many blessings and thoughts to to anyone and everyone who has been affected by the horrible weather tragedy on the East Coast. When you stop and think about the destruction that has been caused, the loss of life, and the loss of property, be thankful for everyday we have in this world. I know this is a sports column, but remember sports are just sports, the matter of life, death, and tragedy are what this nation needs to think about first. Have a safe week.

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