Hazelwood School Bd. Hears Reports on Learning Strategies, Diversity Program

By Jeremy Thomas

The Hazelwood School district’s last board meeting could be characterized as lengthy but eventful. The half-full room of individuals from the community was able to see a meeting that consisted of presentations from several groups of people.

Board members and the audience got to hear from Jan Chappuis, the author of “Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning,” provided an in depth presentation on her strategies. Chappuis has been writing books for the past 20 years and presenting workshops. She has been featured nationally and internationally for her success. She is best known for translating research into practical classroom applications.

Chappuis is helping develop area teachers by providing the best strategies for their schools. Several Hazelwood teachers are currently participating. “I love having the opportunity to provide my strategies to eager teachers and principals. I am always willing to better educate students in any way possible,” Chappuis said.

Chappuis’ seven strategies are basically a series of learning techniques that can enable students to perform better in the classroom. She received a standing ovation after her presentation.

Later in the meeting, Crystal Reiter, interim assistant superintendent for learning, gave a presentation about “Compelling Conversations.” She mentioned that the framework for Compelling Conversations is currently being used by principals at area middle schools and high schools to monitor student progress.

The goal of this strategy is to increase the academic growth of each student. The Compelling Conversations take place between the teachers and principal on a regularly scheduled basis.

A Hazelwood Supplier Diversity program presentation showed how the school district strives to provide meaningful opportunities for minorities and women in enterprise. This program is the only one of its kind in the St. Louis county area. The program has become very successful and received an invitation by the St. Louis Council of Construction Consumers (SLCCC) to present to the council.

The SLCCC workforce diversity committee took notice of Hazelwood’s Supplier Diversity program and asked them to do a presentation on what they are all about.

“Being able to present in front of the SLCCC was a privilege to my team. Their committee was very complimentary of our program overall and saw us a leader in the community for supplier diversity,” said Kevin Cross, director of purchasing for Supplier Diversity Program.

The Hazelwood Supplier Diversity Program was among several companies and organizations honored for their workforce diversity. Other organizations included: Ameren, Washington University, BJC, and the Metropolitan Sewer District.

At the end of the board meeting, attendees had a chance to voice their opinion on issues, and all the participants had nothing but praise for the board for all the hard work they have shown this fall.

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