Florissant Passes Budget But Not Without Dessent


The Florissant City Council passed several ordinances required to enact the budget for fiscal year 2008 but not without two council members expressing reservations about the budget. The city’s fiscal year runs from Dec. 1 through Nov. 30.

Councilwoman Karen McKay said she would not vote for the budget. She took issue, she said, because the budget called for the use of reserves. “The budget is being balanced by dipping into our ever dwindling reserve fund,” she said.

Councilman John Moran said that he would vote for the budget. “I support it, but there is plenty of room for work,” he said.

Moran said he was still concerned about the city’s golf course. “If other cities can break even with their courses, why can’t we?” he asked. Moran said that he had suggested in the past that an outside management firm come in and offer suggestions for the course, but the idea never went anywhere.

“Mrs. McKay and Mr. Moran don’t know what they’re talking about,” Mayor Robert Lowery said. He said the budget was prepared using standard accounting practices. He asked the city’s Director of Finance, Randy McDaniel, to attest to using standard practices.

“The budget presented is balanced by any municipal budgeting standards,” McDaniel said.

Lowery also reminded Moran that Moran voted for the purchase of the golf course. Moran agreed, saying he had issues with the running of the course since the purchase. “If other cities can break even, I think we can too,” Moran said.

The budget passed, with all council members except McKay voting yes.

In other matters , Walter Kaiser spoke to the council about the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training that will be occurring soon. Kaiser said that 115 residents and 16 non-residents had gone through CERT training.

The CERT program was established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Florissant Police Department provides the training using FEMA guidelines. The program is designed to prepare citizens for emergencies or disasters.

“Only two council members have gone through the training,” Kaiser said. He said he would like to see all of the council go through the training. He urged any citizens who wanted to sign up for the next session to contact the police department.

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