2 Florissant Women to Compete in the Ms. Missouri Senior America Pageant

The 19th Annual Ms. Missouri Senior America Pageant will be held on Saturday, July 7, at 4 p.m., at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre, #1 James J. Eagan Drive.

Eleven ladies, age 60 and over, will compete for the title of Ms. Missouri Senior America 2007. The winner will represent the senior women of Missouri when she competes for the title of Ms. Senior America in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-10, 2007.

Contestants in this year’s pageant are from University City, Creve Coeur, Florissant, North County, South County, Brentwood, Frontenac, Fulton, and Kansas City.

Ms. Missouri Senior America 2007 will receive an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas to compete in the national pageant as well as a $500 wardrobe allowance.
This will be the sixth pageant held in the Florissant area. This year’s sponsors include the Missouri Cameo Club, the Mayor of Florissant, Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, AARP, Delmar Gardens Family, B&J Printing, WW Florist, Prime Life Circuit, and the many merchants who put ads in the program book each year.

The categories of competition are: Personal interview with the judges (before the pageant begins), poise in evening gown, philosophy of life, and talent.

After the pageant is over, all contestants are invited to become members of the Missouri Cameo Club. As members, they are welcome to entertain in showcases all over the greater St. Louis area. Monies earned are used to sponsor the next year’s pageant and make donations to various charities.
The search is already underway to find 2008 contestants. Potential contestants are urged to attend to see if this would be something they would like to do next year.

Reserved seats will go on sale May 24 at the theatre box office. Call 314-921-5678 to purchase tickets. Tickets are $12, groups of ten or more are $11. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the theatre box office for $14.

The two Florissant contestants are:

Helen Byers is a mother and grandmother who loves being a senior citizen. Helen lives in Florissant and is very active at the First Baptist Church in Ferguson since 1975. She has always been active in the churches she has attended serving as Sunday School Superintendent, Bible School Principal, and Women’s Missionary Union President. She enjoys reading the classics, attending theatre productions and concerts, listening to music, and gardening. She works as an election judge. Talent: She will play a medley of songs on the harmonica.

Mary Panassow, a Florissant resident, earned an Associate in Applied Science Degree with additional credits in art, music, and dance. Presently, Mary is completing a long career with the Hazelwood School District with her most enjoyable position being Computer Resource Specialist. Mary has also been a dance instructor, pre-school teacher, graphic designer, and summer camp theatre teacher. She is also the Director/Choreographer/Set Designer for the His Singers, a touring youth choir. In her spare time she loves making miniature 16th Century castles and gardening. She will be performing a monologue adapted from Irma Bombeck’s, “When God Created Mothers.”


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