Rotary Club Gives Over 625 Dictionaries to HSD 3rd Graders

Mark Behlmann, director on HSD Board of Education and member of Rotary Club of Florissant and Debbie Kerber, president, Rotary Club of Florissant, give new dictionaries to students at Keevan Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District.

More than 625 third grade students in the Hazelwood School District have new dictionaries donated by the Rotary Club of Florissant.

For the second year, the Rotary Club was awarded a $1,500 Community Assistance Grant from the Rotary District 6060.  The Rotary Club of Florissant donated an additional $1,500 to purchase a total of 1,500 dictionaries. These dictionaries were given to students in the Hazelwood School District and Ferguson-Florissant School District.

Members of the Rotary Club also volunteered time to visit each of the participating schools to speak with students and to personally distribute the dictionaries.

This service project reflects the commitment of Rotarians to literacy, schools and children.

School district teachers were happy about the community partnership and for the additional learning resource.  Students were excited about receiving a dictionary that they could personalize and take home.

“I am thrilled that the Rotary Club of Florissant generously donated dictionaries to third-graders at several of our schools,” said Dr. Grayling Tobias, interim superintendent of the Hazelwood School District.




“We are extremely grateful for community partners like the Rotary Club and its support of the HSD mission, to foster lifelong learners and to ensure that each student achieves maximum growth,” said Tobias.

Nancy Geno, member, Rotary Club of Florissant, visits with third grade students from Grannemann Elementary School.

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