Hopefully Tigers Won’t Be To Over Confident Against Oklahoma


What a week for the Missouri Tigers as they stormed into Kansas City and showed Kansas who was boss. I was a bit surprised though at how well the team played. In the past, they have always had the fate of falling short in the big ones but they proved me wrong. I really think that this team can go all the way.

I am a little concerned though about the team being over confident and that’s what scared me about the Kansas game. The team has to keep its composure and not get to excited about the aspect of getting up on Oklahoma if they do. It’s amazing how the entire state of Missouri is behind this team right now. It has been 47 years since Missouri has been ranked number one.

This might be the only chance in our lifetime to experience this so like I said with the Rams a few years ago, enjoy it while it’s here. It was great to see this week that Chase Daniels, who might not win the Heisman was at least voted the Big 12’s offensive player of the year and Coach Pinkel shares the honor of the AP’s coach of coach of the year.

This is why I tell everyone kid I talk to about success, to hang in there, most of the time it is not overnight but it will come if you stand up and believe in yourself like Coach Pinkel has done. Through the years of turmoil, he stood his guns, kept his coaching staff in tact and now its paying off.

Rams to Retire Marshall Faulk’s #28 ———-
The Rams made a huge announcement this week, as they will retire the #28 of Marshall Faulk at the home game on Thursday night Dec. 20. This is very well deserved, as Marshall was the backbone of the championship teams. This guy was the most durable in terms of being able to run the ball and catch the ball out of the backfield for multipurpose yards.

It’s really strange though as it seems like his legacy just kind of faded away. I guess because he is not in the limelight here in St. Louis anymore, he is a NFL analyst for the NFL Network. I will be very anxious to hear what he has to say about his time here in St. Louis at his speech.

This was a good move by the Rams at this point in the season, especially marketing wise as this distracts the fans with something positive even while there are so many negatives on the field. This past Sunday’s game was a debacle as the team had a victory in its sites and let it fall through the crack with that missed snap at the end.

I was standing on the goal line after the play and Randy McMichael walked over by us and slammed his helmet down and just about broke it in half. This is a guy who was upset and really wanted to win. On the other hand, two players that will remain nameless were walking off the field just moments after losing chatting about looking at that hot girl in the stands over there. To me that is what is wrong with some of these players.

Do they really care? They get their millions whether they win or lose. This takes me back to that pay as you perform scale. This stuff probably wouldn’t be happening if they just realized they only got half a paycheck for losing.

On the positive side of sports, remember all of you Cardinals fans, spring training is just around the corner. If you can’t wait for that the Winter Warm-up will be here before you know it. I didn’t realize it but the Cardinals are one of the only teams in the league that do this for their fans. It’s really cool, if you have never been before make plans to attend.

I will give you more information in the upcoming weeks about the event. It’s a true dream for Cardinals fans, as they can get up close and personal with players.


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