Hazelwood District’s Menus to Get Healthy Changes For New School Year

Hazelwood School District students will see some healthy changes on the breakfast and lunch menus at their schools this year. Starting this school year, districts like Hazelwood that participate in the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) School Meal Programs are required to meet new nutrition standards for breakfast and lunch meals.

The standards will be implemented gradually, over a multi-year period, giving school district staff and students time to adjust to the changes, said Trisha Plunkett, HSD director of child nutrition.

The new meal pattern includes more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, contains less fat and sodium and meets specific calorie ranges for children in elementary, middle and high school.

For breakfast, the following items will be offered daily: grains, fruit, milk or alternate items. A student must take a minimum of three items offered at breakfast or they may take all four components. To count as a breakfast, the student’s meal must contain fruit.

For lunch, the following items will be offered daily:  whole grains, meat or meat alternative, fruit, vegetables and milk. Each week must include one serving of dark green or red/orange, starchy or other vegetable. A student must take at least three of the five items offered at lunch. To count as a lunch, the student’s meal must contain fruit or a vegetable.

Plunkett said the exciting news about the new meal pattern for students is that nutrient-rich foods and beverages provide the energy and nutrients necessary to grow, learn and play. For District parents, the new guidelines will reinforce healthy eating habits necessary for adequate growth and good health.

The district also has a new program for treats for classroom birthday parties. Parents or guardians who wish to plan a birthday for their child at school are encouraged to complete an order form from the Child Nutrition Department.

Available treats include sour blue raspberry Italian Ice, chocolate sherbet, reduced-fat white cheddar popcorn, apple slices with low-fat caramel and grape or apple juice. All birthday treats meet the Eat Smart Advanced Guidelines adopted by the District and the ice and juice contain no allergens.

Any questions about the classroom birthday party program, contact the Hazelwood School District Child Nutrition Department at (314) 953-5990 or contact your child’s school cafeteria.


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