Rain May Put a Damper on Olympics


By Randy Gardner


How many of you are looking forward to the Summer Olympics? At last check, the month of June has been the wettest month ever for London, and July is right on track to be the same. Experts are saying that the games could be a complete washout. If not, they are thinking of moving the games back as far as date wise.


I think this is horrible due to the fact that many athletes have built their last 4 years of training around peaking at that particular time frame. Even moving the games a few weeks could damage the whole training process. I look forward to the games myself; the passion that the athletes have is incredible. I wish that people would live their everyday lives like this with their family and their jobs. People would go so much farther in life if they put a bit of effort into it.


If you ever need a bit of passion in your life, watch a professional athlete train for an event. This is never truer than with an Olympic athlete because there is no tomorrow or next week or next game for them. Sometimes it comes down to just a couple of minutes at one time to decide an event. They might have been training for their entire life for this one moment. It’s really cool to watch.


I want to say thank you to everyone who has said they enjoy my column. Sometimes it is crazy, I know, and sometimes off the wall, but I write about what I feel. Over the weekend, I ran into someone who quoted a column that I wrote about a year ago. It was about my kids and making promises that sometimes are not kept. They said it changed their perspective on how they look at situations.


That is what I want to do with this column – say things that might spark emotion and that might make you stop and think. I know sometimes that I write maybe too much about my kids but they are an integral part of my life and I get so many ideals from them both positive and negative. Like many others out there, I learn every day. I keep my mind open to be the best I can be, as a father and as a person in life.

As summer is about half way over, stop and enjoy the days with your children before they go back to school. Our kids are our most prized possession. Treat them like it. Remember they will get older and take care of you someday, and remember what comes around goes around.

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