TIF, Trees, Hens, I-Pads on Agenda In Florissant

By Carol Arnett   

The Florissant City Council had a varied agenda Monday night. In addition to honoring the beautiful home award winners and several businesses that have recently held fundraisers, they discussed Tax Increment Financing (TIF), tree trimming, hens and I-Pads.

The council passed two ordinances relating to the Plaza Madrid redevelopment.  The first ordinance allows the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Commission to be formed, and the second ordinance names N3 Retail Developers, LLC as the preferred developer.

The council also passed an ordinance appropriating $50,000 from the Park Improvement fund for tree trimming and removal. Resident Walter Kaiser asked if all the trees were on park property. Schneider replied  that some were on right of ways.

Councilman Pat Stinnet expressed concern that this money was not in the budget. He urged the council to postpone the bill until they determined what other work may need to be done. “We have work that needs to be done. Let’s prioritize,” he said. Stinnet was the only dissenting vote.

The council also approved two requests by residents to keep four hens each. The council also held first readings on two bills regarding fowl in the city. The first requires all animals to be restrained by a fence or chain while outside.

The second ordinance requires residents who want to keep animals to apply to the city’s health department and provide drawings of pens, cages or housing for the animals. They must also received written consent from adjoining properties, and, in some cases, provide a letter from a veterinarian verifying that the animals are vaccinated and post to threat to public health. If approved by the Health Dept. , the request goes to the city council for approval or denial.

The council also held first readings on bills that would purchase I-Pads and software for city inspectors and add another inspector and inspection clerk to the public works department.

The council honored several businesses and organizations that have held fundraisers for Police Officer Mike Vernon, who was shot in the line of duty on Memorial Day Weekend.

“So many people have stepped up,” said Mayor Tom Schneider, adding that the support means a lot to the Vernon family, as well as to all members of the police force.

Salon 67, Team One Auto Body, and Washers for Public Safety have all recently had fundraisers.

Schneider said that Vernon attended the Washers for Public Safety event. “His spirits are high,” Schneider said. He said Vernon had more surgery ahead to remove bullet fragments. He also said the Vernon was undergoing physical therapy for his shoulder wound. “He is a strong young man,” Schneider said. “He and his family appreciate all the support they’ve received.”

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